Saturday, December 13, 2008

Designing a Website

Designing a Website
This is my first post so there can be some mistakes in writing, so please let me know if you find any. Here I will discuss approach to webpage designing. Many new designers start webpage designing and end up messing in terms of layout and some technical aspects.

While designing website there are four people who has major role in success of website, Company who own website or for the company website is, person who gathers website requirement, Designer, content writer and user.

Planning for creating website
If you directly start creating website without planning there are more chances you would end up into mess. So planning and requirement gathering is very important part keeping in mind companies benefits and users interest for creating website.

How to plan
1) Decide number of pages and there direct links on home page.
2) Give name to website.
3) Create list of page with common pages like
a. Home Page
b. About us
c. Contact us
Then create list of page which are relevant to company.

Steps for designing website
1) Create 4-5 designs for home page. Take customer''s feedback. Ask customer to take feedback from various people known to company.
2) Decide Navigation of website.
3) Create header and footer common for internal pages.
4) Select page relevant images.
5) Create content for website
a. To create contents of website first create draft text for each page. Do not directly jump to create final text. It will never be effective way.
b. Create list of keywords for each page.
c. Redo text using drafts and keywords. To effect search engine optimized text user each keyword 4-5 times in text of that page.
d. Show text to company (customer) for proof reading and ask for suggestions
e. Correct the contents using suggestions provided by customer.
6) Create Tables less Layout. tableless layout:
a. Creating layout using CSS Positioning.
c. Use <div></div> tags to create layout
d. Give naming to each DIV e.g. <div id=”Header”></div>
7) Do slicing of designs to create various images.
8) Assign to fore ground or background in DIV tag as per requirement
9) Define font-family for each section. Use CSS to define fonts, colors and background images.
10) Once basic layout is created put contents into place.
11) Create flash headers, buttons where ever required and replace it with images to place it is created for.
12) Give title to each page. Usually you might have observed by new designer they forget to mention title of pages and keep default created by editors. E.g. Untitled Page, New Page. Search engines stores this information as it is and links to page as New Page, which results in low page ranking. Keep titles relevant to page content and use words from keywords filtered above. For specifying title use tag <title>Web designing Tutorial</title> in <head></head> tag.
E.g <head>
<title> Web designing Tutorial</title>
13) Use Meta tags for SEO
a. Description <meta name=”description” content=”….”/>. This tag is used to give short description about page.
b. Keywords <meta name=”keywords” content=”….”/>. Mention keywords specified here for each page.
14) Upload Website using various ftp tools available on internet.
15) Do not forget to use google analytics for checking results about your website. Check out features of google analytics
16) Based on report find out keywords which works and redo text using keywords. You can also find words which matches to user search in google and its position.
17) Update site on regular basis for most updated information.

Above are tips and techniques for designing website. Though experience teaches you more than articles this is just to give you right direction.

Upendra Kolte